Pattern Cutting Studio

and Policies

At Pattern Cutting Studio, we believe in transparency and fairness in all our operations. This page houses our key legal documents and policies, designed to protect both our clients and our business.

closeup of signing a documentation agreement and pen on the table.
  • Manufacturing Terms of Service Outlines the conditions under which we provide our pattern cutting, grading, and sample-making services.
  • Cookie Policy Explains how we use cookies on our website to enhance your browsing experience and improve our services.
  • Privacy Policy Details how we collect, use, and protect your personal information in compliance with data protection regulations
  • Website Terms and Conditions This important document outlines the rules, guidelines, and agreements that apply when you access our site and use our online services.
  • Discovery Session Policy This policy outlines the terms and conditions for this free consultation service, including session duration, scheduling procedures, and confidentiality agreements. This policy ensures transparency and sets clear expectations for our team and prospective clients, allowing for a productive and beneficial introductory conversation about your fashion design needs and our services.

These documents are periodically updated to reflect changes in our services or legal requirements. If you have any questions about our policies, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 

We encourage you to review these documents to understand our commitments and your rights when using our services.

Are you ready to schedule a discovery session?

Determine if our services align with your business goals and values, ensuring a perfect match that can lead to a successful and productive partnership.

It's a compatibility check. Obligation-free 15 min chat over Zoom.