Pattern Cutting Studio


  1. Session Details

   – Complimentary discovery sessions are conducted via Zoom and last 15 minutes.

   – Sessions are available Monday to Friday.

   – Bookings must be made at least 48 hours in advance.


  1. Software and Technology

   – Sessions will be conducted using Zoom by default.

   – If clients prefer a different platform, they must notify us at least 24 hours in advance via email at and provide the necessary links.

   – We reserve the right to cancel the session if less than 24 hours’ notice is given for software changes.

   – We will not download additional software to accommodate last-minute changes.


  1. Cancellation Policy

   – Clients may cancel or reschedule a session with at least 12 hours’ notice.

   – Cancellations should be sent to


  1. Late Arrivals and No-Shows

   – We will wait up to 5 minutes for late clients to join the session.

   – After 5 minutes, the session may be considered a no-show.

   – In the case of a no-show, we reserve the right to charge for future sessions.


  1. No Commitment Clause

   – This complimentary discovery session is provided with no obligation to purchase our services.

   – Clients are free to decide whether to proceed with our services after the session.

   – Pattern Cutting Studio Ltd does not have any commitment to offer further support, sessions, or provide services after the discovery session.

   – We reserve the right to decline further collaboration if we determine we are not the right fit for each other, or for any other reason.


  1. Rescheduling

   – Rescheduling requests should be made at least 12 hours before the scheduled session.

   – To reschedule, use the links provided in the confirmation email or email

   – Rescheduled sessions are subject to availability.


  1. Limitation of Sessions

   – Clients may book a maximum of two complimentary discovery sessions.


  1. Prerequisites

   – Clients must complete a questionnaire prior to the session to help us identify their needs and structure the session appropriately.


  1. Data Protection

   – All information collected before and during the session will be used in accordance with our GDPR  and Privacy Policy policy.


  1. Confidentiality

    – All information discussed during the discovery session is considered confidential.

    – Both Pattern Cutting Studio Ltd and the client agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information shared during the session.

    – Neither party shall disclose any information from the session to third parties without the explicit written consent of the other party.

    – This confidentiality agreement remains in effect regardless of whether the parties decide to work together after the discovery session.


By booking a complimentary discovery session with Pattern Cutting Studio Ltd, you agree to abide by this policy.

Are you ready to schedule a discovery session?

Determine if our services align with your business goals and values, ensuring a perfect match that can lead to a successful and productive partnership.

It's a compatibility check. Obligation-free 15 min chat over Zoom.