Pattern Cutting Studio

Are you ready to chat?

Get in touch to discuss your requirements and see if we can bring value to your business

Our Discovery Session via Zoom is designed to save you time and facilitate an easy, efficient way to get to know each other without any obligation. This online call offers a convenient platform for us to assess your needs and demonstrate how we can provide value and support to you or your business. The session is structured for maximum efficiency, allowing us to cover essential topics in a short period, ensuring that your time is well-spent. One of the key features is its flexibility; you can join from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel and making it easier to fit into your busy schedule. By the end of the call, you’ll clearly understand how our services align with your goals and objectives. This initial interaction sets the foundation for a strong working relationship based on mutual understanding and trust. 

Ultimately, our Discovery Session aims to give you confidence in choosing us as your partner to achieve success.

Complimentary Discovery Session Via Zoom

The best way to start

What is a Discovery Session?

A Discovery Session is an initial consultation via Zoom during which we discuss your needs and how we can help you. It’s a convenient and efficient way for potential clients to connect with us. This no-obligation online call allows you to get to know us and our services quickly, saving you the hassle of lengthy in-person meetings. During the session, we discuss your needs and objectives, providing you with a clear understanding of how we can add value and support your goals. The flexibility of Zoom means you can join from anywhere, making it easier to fit into your busy schedule. By investing just a small amount of your time, you'll gain valuable insights into how we can assist you in achieving success.

How long does the Discovery Session last?

The session typically lasts around 15 minutes, giving us ample time to understand your requirements and discuss potential solutions.

Is there any cost for the Discovery Session?

No, the 15-minute Discovery Session is completely free of charge. It's designed to see if we can provide value and support you effectively.

Do I need to prepare anything for the Discovery Session?

I think having a clear idea of what you want to achieve or any specific challenges you're facing is helpful. Therefore, we’ve created a small questionnaire that should take you 1-2 minutes to answer before you book your time slot. If you have any sketches or tech packs that you would like to discuss during the session, drop them off at our email at or simply attach them in reply to our appointment confirmation message. There's no formal preparation required, but having paper and paper ready and some of your questions will be helpful to you.

What technology do I need for the Zoom call?

You’ll need a device with internet access, a webcam, and a microphone. Zoom software should be installed on your device ahead of the session.

Can I reschedule or cancel my Discovery Session?

Yes, you can quickly reschedule or cancel your session. There will be rescheduling and cancellation links within the Discovery Session Confirmation email. Alternatively, you can contact us 24 hours in advance through email

What if I'm not satisfied with the information provided during the session?

There is no obligation to continue after the Discovery Session; it is simply an opportunity for us to determine whether we're a good fit.

What happens after the Discovery Session?

After the session, we'll summarise our discussion and propose the following steps if we agree that working together would benefit us.

I prefer to use Teams or Google Meet instead of Zoom. Is that possible?

Certainly, please book your session via the link provided, then reach out to us at with the proposed way to hold the session.